Artigas was born in Uruguay, three years is taken by his family to live in Montevideo (Uruguay cap.) where breeding and actualidad.Manifiesta lies to his penchant for art to her two and a half years of life, there performing the first scribbles and lines, also has contact with art by amateur artist father of female silhouettes. Is encouraged by his mother to cultivate his inclination for art since childhood, his ten year-old comes to the artist\'s studio Clever Lara who tells it best to further develop a self-taught, as it would negatively influence for academic young artist and then display a strong personal style and strength in the lines, recalls and advice Matias style allows you to develop influece Inserts without external auque solidified his style after Inserts taken lessons oil painting and drawing, while Matias back to the shop Clever Lara to acknowledge the sage advice from the teacher Clever Lara who talk about caring for the academic influence at times as a sterilant. In 2003 he made a year of private studies based in Argentina with Uruguay prof.Raquel Conopus Luque in the workshop, after the year in 2005 made his first head there Inserts Oil Inserts artistic movement born a century aesthetic adventure century that still has much to say, since not ceased to develop a self-taught style that "the Inserts are a visual trick of our connection to all creation", it has come huh tell the world and the viewer " We are spiritual beings with human experiences, not human beings with spiritual experiences, "" human beings are connected to everything created by a higher intelligence, call it God, ki, prana, life force, our environment and etc. we are one and without do not exist, are cells of one great Being, the very creation, God, "" We are Gods, "" We Environment-organisms as described by Dr Wayne.W.Dyer in his book "Build your destination "used this adjective to explain that we are creatures inextricably linked to their environment and explains it this way: try to imagine yourself walking, for example-you have to assume that you should also describe the ground you walk on, if dirt, rocks, sand if there is vegetation, like this heaven, if there are clouds, the air we inhale and fill your lungs allowing moving, walking is impossible to imagine without describing the environment and more details because it would be moving around and flexing his legs in the space, and that would not walk, to walk possible there must be a union of elements and factors that make your walk, "that clearly shows us that we exist and we can develop through our daily lives our eco-system and our environment but if it is threatened and at risk will also be threatened our existence as earthlings, that is clear.
His contact with personalities from the related art, artists and artist groups have nurtured a lot and have solidified their vocation and love for art. After having performed more than a dozen exhibitions today is working in his studio, focused on growing as an artist and Deborah the universe with his painting, developing both the oil Inserts silhouettes like drawing. Besides his penchant for art led him to become chrome-therapist (holistic medicine THROUGH colors) to learn more about the colors, properties, qualities, applications in other areas such as the decoration of environments in homes, marketing, therapy, etc..
List of samples:
National Youth _Instituto (November 2004) collective National Youth _Instituto (January 2005) Individual _Hotel Remanso (Punta del Este in January 2005) collective _Hotel NH Columbia (May 2005) collective _Facultad of Social Sciences (June 2005) individual _Colonia of Sacramento (August 2005) collective _Hollyday Inn (September 2005 ) Espa ¤ ol collective _Club (September 2005) collective Boxing _Club Palermo (November 2005) Enrique Fynn _Sala collective SBI (November 2005) collective _Hotel NH Columbia (November 2005) collective _Hotel San Rafael Punta del Este (January 2006) National Collective _Instituto Youth (February 2006) Enrique Fynn _Sala individual SBI (June 2006) _Galeria individual "Road to Market" (May 2007) National Youth _Instituto (October 2007) individual
Other exhibitions: _Invitado to share and discuss their Inserts on 106.7 fm a radio program "The one who wants to hear, let him hear" (February 2009)
_Invitado To present and represent Uruguay among 145 artists from around the world in the international fair FIART 2011 in Granada, Spain (February 2011).
Public exhibitions: "House of Women" (Uruguay)
Private Exhibitions: Uruguay, Argentina, Italy.
Is also the group "Artistic Movement SOCKET" on facebook with pictures of drawings, paintings and sculptures.